Wilson databases moving to EBSCOhost for 2012

Written by Jon Ritterbush, E-Resources and Serials Librarian

A number of library databases, listed below, are moving from WilsonWeb to EBSCOhost before year’s end.  This change follows the acquisition of H.W. Wilson by EBSCO Publishing earlier this summer.

Many WilsonWeb databases have already migrated to EBSCOhost during the month of November, with a few yet to be transitioned.  Please note: Links to any of these WilsonWeb databases, and permalinks to full-text articles from WilsonWeb databases will no longer work after January 31, 2012.  For assistance in re-creating these article permalinks within EBSCOhost, please contact the library’s Reference Desk or contact one of our subject liaison librarians.

The following databases are moving from WilsonWeb to EBSCOhost:

* Not yet transitioned to EBSCOhost as of Dec. 2, 2011